Must know information about hair transplant FUT HAIR TRANSPLANT It’s sad, but true that we all suffer from the ‘hair here, hair there and hair everywhere, other than where we want’ syndrome. In fact, with sedentary lifestyles and increasing stress levels, the number of men and women going in for hair treatments and post-menopausal hair fall and solutions to Male Pattern Baldness is increasing. This is also connected with hormonal changes and the growing use of hair dyes. But that does not mean all hope is lost. If you’re concerned about hair loss treatment in London and that’s a justifiable concern do not attempt self-medication, and head to a dermatologist instead. But remember, losing around 100 strands of hair every day is normal, so don’t fret if it’s around that number. In the meanwhile, there are steps that you can take and tips that you can follow to ensure that you’re not investing in a good wig anytime soon. HAIR TRANSPLANT Hair transplantation is a ...