If you are suffering hair loss, it is highly likely that you have heard of hair transplants by London Hair Transplant Clinic . You would have also heard that hair transplants have not just become more effective but more sophisticated compared to what they used to be, all thanks to the advancements in modern medicine. They are also affordable and accessible, and remain the only permanent solution to genetic hair loss. They are, therefore, much sought after by men across age groups around the world. There are, in fact, many celebrities and people in the public sphere that get hair transplants. From Matthew McConaughey to Sylvester Stallone, many actors and sports stars are flaunting their luxurious manes even in their 50s or 60s because of hair transplants. Now, hair loss patients see a good result in Hair Transplant Clinic London that and it gives them a lot of hope. Since the surgery is widely available, patients assume they can get a brand new mane just like a celeb. How...